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21 Easy Resistance Band Exercises For Fitness

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Achieving Fitness with Resistance Band Exercises

You are wanting to get into shape and improve your fitness but you cannot afford the money of the time to go to the gym. You don’t have a TRX System yet and are looking for other alternatives. Well, you can focus on increasing your flexibility or you can achieve your strength goals by using a resistance exercise band. Resistance band exercises give you an option to a more portable and convenient way to exercise.

Resistance exercise bands come in different colors which symbolize different tensions. Therefore, it is important that you select a resistance exercise band that allows you to keep proper form while working your muscles through as much motion as you can. 

Resistance band exercises are great for the following people:

What is a Resistance Exercise Band?

In order to perform these resistance band exercises, you will need to by some exercise bands or tubing. Here is some options for you to choose from in order to get started. It is best to buy a set of bands so you can pick the tension you need. 

Breathing is critical to proper performance of resistive band exercises. Be sure to breathe in on the relaxation and exhale on the tension phase. Check out this post on breathing for more information.

The two options are affiliate links. If you purchase, I might get a commission.

WHATAFIT Resistance Bands Set

Contains multiple tensions, carry bag, handles, ankle straps, and door anchors.

100% Natural Latex

Bands Latex Free

Letdle Latex Free TPE 13Pcs Resistance Band

Contains multiple tensions, carry bag, handles, ankle straps, and door anchors.

Latex Free

The 21 Resistance Band Exercises:

1. Shoulder Flexion

Shoulder flexion 1 resistance band exercises
Shoulder flexion 2 resistance band exercises

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen the front of the shoulder, chest, biceps, and your grip.

Beginning: Start by holding the band to your side with it attached behind you.

Ending: Lift/stretch the band until it touches the bottom of your arm.

Alternative: You can stand on the band giving you greater freedom to higher over your head with resistance.

2. Shoulder Abduction

Shoulder abd 1 resistance band exercises
Shoulder ab 2 resistance band exercises

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen the side of the shoulder, biceps, and your grip.

Beginning: Start by holding the band to your side with the band under your foot.

Ending: Lift/stretch the band until it touches the bottom of your arm.

Alternative: You can attach the band to a door knob beside your opposite arm and pull out stopping at shoulder height. This will provide less resistance on the shoulder.

3. Shoulder External Rotation

SHoulder ER 1 resistance band exercises
ER Resistance band Exercises

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen the lateral rotator cuff of the shoulder and your grip.

Beginning: Start by holding the band in your hand with your elbow to your side. The band is attached to a door knob next to you.

Ending: Stretch the band away from in front of you as far as comfortable.

Alternative: You can stop when your hand is straight in front of you. This will provide less resistance on the shoulder.

4. Shoulder Extension

Extension 1 resistance band exercises
Extension 2 resistance band exercises

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen the posterior deltoid of the shoulder, triceps, and your grip.

Beginning: Start by holding the band in your hand in front of you. The band is attached to a door knob.

Ending: Pull/Stretch the band down beside you as far as comfortable.

Alternative: You can attach the band higher to provide greater resistance with the exercise.

5. Shoulder Internal Rotation

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen the medial rotator cuff of the shoulder, biceps, and your grip.

BeginningStart by holding the band in your hand with your elbow to your side. The band is attached to a door knob next to you.

Ending: Pull/Stretch the band towards your abdomen in front of you as far as comfortable.

AlternativeYou can stop when your hand is straight in front of you. This will provide less resistance on the shoulder.

6. Chest Cross-Over

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen the chest or pectoral muscles, biceps, and your grip.

BeginningStart by holding the band out to your side. The band is attached to a door knob next to you.

Ending: Pull/Stretch the band towards your abdomen and across your chest as far as comfortable.

AlternativeYou can stop when your hand is straight in front of you. This will provide less resistance on the shoulder and chest.

7. Shoulder Press

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen the shoulders, triceps, and your grip.

BeginningStart by holding the band at shoulder height. The band is anchored under your foot.

Ending: Push/Stretch the band towards the ceiling and pause at the top.

AlternativeYou can hook the band at an object waist high. This will provide less resistance on the shoulders.

8. Lateral Raises

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen the shoulders and your grip.

BeginningStart by holding the band at your sides. The band is anchored under your foot.

Ending: Lift/Stretch the band towards the ceiling and pause just above shoulder height.

AlternativeYou can hook the band at an object waist high. This will provide less resistance on the shoulders.

9. Bicep Curls

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen your biceps and your grip.

BeginningStart by holding the band at your sides. The band is anchored under your foot.

Ending: Lift/Stretch the band towards the ceiling by bending the elbows and pause at the top.

AlternativeYou can hook the band at an object waist high. This will provide less resistance on the shoulders.

10. Tricep Press

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen your triceps and your grip.

BeginningStart by holding the band with your elbows bent. The band is anchored to a cabinet or knob

Ending: Press/Stretch the band towards the floor by straightening the elbows and pause at the bottom.

AlternativeYou can hook the band to a higher object. This will provide more resistance on the arms.

11. Lat Pull

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen your lats and your grip.

BeginningStart by holding the band over your head. The band is anchored to a cabinet or knob.

Ending: Pull/Stretch the band towards the floor by bending the elbows and pause at the bottom.

AlternativeYou can hook the band to a higher object. This will provide more resistance on the arms.

12. Hip Flexion

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen your hip flexors and some thigh muscles.

BeginningStart by attaching the band to your ankle. Hold to the back of a chair. The band is anchored to the bottom of a door.

Ending: Pull/Stretch the band forward by kicking your let with the knee straight and pause at the top.

AlternativeYou can stand further away from the attachment. This will provide more resistance on the legs.

13. Hip Abduction

hip abd 1.1
hip abd 1.2

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen your hip abductors and some thigh muscles.

BeginningStart by attaching the band to your ankle. Hold to the back of a chair. The band is anchored to the bottom of a door.

Ending: Pull/Stretch the band out to the side by kicking your leg out with the knee straight. Pause at the top.

AlternativeYou can stand further away from the attachment. This will provide more resistance on the legs.

14. Hip Adduction

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen your inner thigh muscles.

BeginningStart by attaching the band to your ankle. Hold to the back of a chair. The band is anchored to the bottom of a door.

Ending: Pull/Stretch the band out to the side by kicking your leg across the other leg with the knee straight. Pause at the top.

AlternativeYou can stand further away from the attachment. This will provide more resistance on the legs.

15. Hip Extension

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen the muscles in your glutes and hamstrings.

BeginningStart by attaching the band to your ankle. Hold to the back of a chair. The band is anchored to the bottom of a door.

Ending: Pull/Stretch the band out to the side by kicking your leg out backwards with the knee straight. Pause at the top.

AlternativeYou can stand further away from the attachment. This will provide more resistance on the legs.

16. Squats

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen your thigh and glute muscles.

BeginningStart by holding the band at shoulder level on each side. The band is anchored under your foot. Squat down some to reduce tension on the band.

Ending: Pull/Stretch the band by straightening your knees and standing up tall.

AlternativeYou can use a stronger tension band. This will provide more resistance on the legs.

17. Clamshells

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen your butt and hip muscles.

BeginningStart by lying on one side with the band around your knees.

Ending: Pull/Stretch the band towards the ceiling by lifting the top knee away from the bottom knee.

AlternativeYou can shorten the band or use a thicker band. This will provide more resistance on the hips.

18. Side Steps

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen your hips in standing.

Beginning: Start by putting the band around your knees and getting in a slight squat.

Ending: Walk side to side pulling on the band with each step.

AlternativeYou can shorten the band or use a thicker band. This will provide more resistance on the hips.

19. Step Press

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen your leg muscles

BeginningStart by lying on your back with the band around your foot and anchored with both hands.

Ending: Pull/Stretch the band by pushing the leg straight.

AlternativeYou can use a shorter or stronger band. This will provide more resistance on the legs.

20. Toes Up Pull

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen your lower leg muscles

BeginningStart by sitting on the floor or a bed with the band around the top of your foot. The band is anchored to a cabinet or knob.

Ending: Pull/Stretch the band towards you by pulling your foot towards your head.

AlternativeYou can use a shorter or thicker band. This will provide more resistance on the legs.

21. Ab Crunch

Focus: This exercise is used to strengthen your abdominal muscles and core.

BeginningStart by holding the band over your head with the elbows bent. The band is anchored to a cabinet or knob.

Ending: Pull/Stretch the band towards the floor by bending your trunk forward and pause at the bottom.

AlternativeYou can hook the band to a higher object. This will provide more resistance on the core.


Performing resistance band exercises is an excellent alternative to traditional strength training. It is very appropriate for people who are unable to go to the gym, lift heavy weights, may be recovering from an injury, or may be just getting experience with resistance training.

In addition to making sure you have the right resistance band exercises in your program, choosing the correct amount of resistance is critical to your success.  Check out the resistance band exercises above and give them a try. You will be amazed at how much strength you can achieve in your own environment.