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Top Fitness Trends to Start in 2024

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Becoming more active, focusing on exercising more, or losing weight are common resolutions people make at the beginning of every year. You may have even set a goal similar to this in the past. Well, this year can be different. Let’s look at the top fitness trends to start in 2024 so you can pick the one that is best for you.

You are saying this is YOUR YEAR. You want to become more active, but you need to know where to start and what types of activities are out there for you.

Let’s break down the top types of exercise programs to start in 2024. You could start them now to get a headstart.

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Aerobic Exercise

The American Heart Association recommends the following regarding aerobic exercise.

 “Get at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes per week of vigorous aerobic activity, or a combination of both, preferably spread throughout the week.” (1)

Often, cardiovascular fitness is what people first think of when they think of exercise or setting “fitness” goals. Aerobic exercise is a great way to get started turning your life around and beginning to feel better overall. 

I know. I can hear you saying, “But I don’t like to run.” However, running is one of many ways to get in your aerobic exercise. Let’s consider other options, along with running, this year to increase your aerobic exercise. What are the top aerobic exercise activities you can start today to set 2024 off to a great start?


Top Fitness Trends to start in 2024

The friction of starting an aerobic exercise program is greatly reduced with the knowledge that all you need to do is start walking. Walking can be as cheap as strolling around your neighborhood or on your local track. But, sometimes, the weather may not be conducive to walking outside, or you may be self-conscious about walking around other people. It is in times like this that home equipment comes into play. 

Check out this post on the benefits of increasing your walking distance

Top Indoor Aerobic Exercise Equipment Options

Are you seeking the right indoor exercise tool to meet your 2024 exercise goals? Check out the top aerobic exercise options for 2024.


For those who think walking is too slow, we will now talk about running. Running is when you take walking to a faster level. It is essential that before you begin any aggressive or high-speed exercise program, you build your exercise tolerance up by walking first. Once you can walk at a good brisk pace for at least 30 minutes, consider adding in a slow jog that can speed up into a run. 


I am a physical therapist, and I know some of you cannot tolerate the stress of walking or running on your joints. Painful joints are where riding a bike is a convenient alternative to getting your daily aerobic exercise in. Most of us learn how to ride a bicycle as a child, and even though you may not have ridden a bike in a while, the skill you learned even in childhood is still present today.

So, let’s pull out our old bicycles, dust them off, and get moving. 


Swimming is another excellent way to get your aerobic exercise in. If you have access to a swimming pool, look up different swimming programs offered in your local area where you can improve or increase your competence or skill in swimming with the help of a specialist. Swimming is another excellent way to reduce the stress on your joints, provide some strengthening, as well as get your heart rate to the necessary levels. 

Strength Training

Maybe your goal next year is to get into the gym and start lifting weights. The benefits of strength training are numerous. However, to ensure your safety when you begin strength training, it is vital that a professional screens you before lifting weights. This helps ensure you are safely applying the load of the weights when performing these exercises.

When you are lifting weights, it’s essential to decide what your goal is. Is your goal to lose weight? Is your goal to get stronger? Is your goal to get more powerful? Each goal has unique objectives and exercise ranges that you need to focus on to make the desired changes. If you want to get started right away though, I would recommend seeking out a personal trainer who can help you get started on the right program to achieve the goals you’re looking for.

Strength training doesn’t have to be with weights only. You can start with just your body weight. Using something like a TRX system to increase the body weight you’re using gradually is a great way to get initiated into the world of strength training. Check out this post on the seven easy exercises for total body strength with the TRX system.

Group Exercise Sessions

One of the top fitness trends to start in 2024 is group exercise sessions. A great way to start getting your exercise goals met is to find other individuals who are working towards the same thing. Linking your exercise goals to others is where group exercise sessions come into play. You can find group exercise sessions at places as close by as your local YMCA. However, look at some of these other group exercise options when tackling your goals for 2024. 

Orange Theory Fitness

Orange Theory Fitness is A popular fitness organization where individuals exercise in group sessions emphasizing interval training. The website claims, “Orangetheory uses heart-rate based interval training, with five heart-rate zones designed to increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories.” If you want to try Orangetheory Fitness, check out their website for more information. 

Eat the Frog Fitness

Eat the Frog Fitness is a group exercise program that focuses on group exercise that is centered on your individual goals. The website states, “Eat the Frog Fitness is the only group training that combines the science of your body and athletic-inspired workouts for the most personalized results.” If you’re interested in learning more about Eat the Frog Fitness, check out their website for more information. 

As you can see, there are many options available to you to improve your Fitness in 2024. By looking at some of the top fitness trends to start 2024, you can see options like walking, running, swimming, lifting weights, or even group fitness sessions. Whatever type of exercise you choose, be sure to pick one and get started! Don’t let the year 2024 be like last year. Don’t look back and say I wish I had started something new to improve my health. 

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